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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Meelectronics Sound Isolating Headphonesblack

Headphonesblack  Philips Phone Isolating

Headphonesblack  Philips Phone Isolating

M9 second generation delivers ultimate sound with stylish color options (black or silver). Improved cable to eliminate microphonics. Redesigned casing provides superb durability. Headphone offers clear, accurate sound from any portable music or DVD player. MP3 and iPod accessory blocks out ambient noise for better listening. Electronic device features comfortable in-ear sound-isolating design. Lightweight, in-ear design blocks out ambient noise better than many bulky battery-powered noise-canceling headphones. Enjoy the full dynamic range of your favorite music and movies without cranking up the volume. M9 in-ear headphones deliver rich, clean sound from your portable player. Aluminum casting produces deep clean bass. 9mm drivers with neodymium magnets. 48-inch straight cord with gold-plated stereo mini-plus. Frequency response: 20 to 20,000 Hz. Impedance: 16 ohms. Our earphones require proper seal to achieve best sound quality, please choose from provided tip sets that best fits your ears. "MEElectronics stands behind our products and wants you to be satisfied. From time to time achieving a good fit and therefore proper bass response and sound for in-ear headphones can be challenging. If your MEE in-ear headphones don't sound great for the price or you have any other issues, please contact our customer service department at"

  • M9 second generation delivers ultimate sound with stylish color options (black or silver)
  • Improved cable to eliminate microphonics
  • Redesigned casing provides superb durability
  • Headphone offers clear, accurate sound from any portable music or DVD player
  • MP3 and iPod accessory blocks out ambient noise for better listening

Price : $29.99

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